Slavery The Civil Law And The Supreme Court Of Louisiana
[PDF] Slavery The Civil Law And The Supreme Court Of Louisiana Ebook
Slavery The Civil Law And The Supreme Court Of Louisiana By Judith Kelleher Schafer Reviews
Slavery, the Civil Law, and the Supreme Court of Louisiana ... Slavery, the Civil Law, and the Supreme Court of Louisiana (Revised) The result is the first book-length study of those manuscripts and the first study of any state's slave law and its courts to use original case records from the entire antebellum era. Louisiana's legal system was unique among those of southern slave states in... Slavery, the Civil Law, and the Supreme Court of Louisiana ... Slavery, the Civil Law, and the Supreme Court of Louisiana (Southern Literary Studies) [Judith Kelleher Schafer] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Winner of the Francis Butler Simkins Award for 1995 and the 1994 General L. Kemper Williams Prize In what may be the most impressive research to date of state supreme court records Slavery, the Civil Law, and the Supreme Court of Louisiana ... Slavery, the Civil Law, and the Supreme Court of Louisiana. In fact, Schafer claims that crime was more brutally dealt with in antebellum Louisiana than in other slave states, and establishes that due process for slaves accused of crimes was formally rejected in principle by the Supreme Court.

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