Triumph Of Civilization Democracy Nonviolence And The Piloting Of Spaceship Earth
[PDF] Triumph Of Civilization Democracy Nonviolence And The Piloting Of Spaceship Earth Ebook

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Introduction - Planetary Democracy is the only way to effectively govern our Spaceship Earth. The current, horrific global economic crisis is a consequence of fragmentation, of a lack of holism and democracy in our institutions. Chapter 10 - Conclusion: Triumph of Civilization ... the Earth and our love of life, and we must actualize the moral obligation that we have to all other persons and the Earths other living creatures. Civilized human beings live under the rule of democratically legislated, enforceable laws. The triumph of civilization will mean bringing this simple fact of civilized living to planet Earth. Triumph of Civilization: Democracy, Nonviolence, and the ... Triumph of Civilization examines the concept of democracy and the related concept of nonviolence in the light of the global crises we face at the dawn of the 21st century. It develops a deeper understanding of democracy that is inherently nonviolent and fundamentally holistic.


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