Law Pragmatism And Democracy
[PDF] Law Pragmatism And Democracy Ebook

Law Pragmatism And Democracy Richard A Posner 9780674018495 Amazon Com Books

Law Pragmatism And Democracy Richard A Posner 9780674018495 Amazon Com Books
Law, Pragmatism, and Democracy - Posner's pragmatic democracy is defended against deliberative democracy from a variety of angles (winner take all or proportional representation, how far should free speech be taken, FEC regulations, majoritarianism or countermajoritarianism, state v. federal, etc.) Keep in mind that Posner is not arguing that we should not strive to increase peoples participation in politics, but that assuming everyone to be capable, intersted and responsible enough to live up to deliberative ideals is a goal just short of giving society a 100% makeover. Law, Pragmatism, and Democracy / Edition 1 by Richard A ... Both Posners are on display in Law, Pragmatism and Democracy. The two of him scorn "philosophical pragmatism" the exhilarating theory of truth as derived from practical consequences and advocate "everyday pragmatism," analysis that is "practical and business-like, 'no-nonsense,' disdainful of abstract theory and intellectual pretension, contemptuous of moralizers and utopian dreamers." Law, Pragmatism, and Democracy: Richard A. Posner ... A liberal state is a representative democracy constrained by the rule of law. Richard Posner argues for a conception of the liberal state based on pragmatic theories of government. He views the actions of elected officials as guided by interests rather than by reason and the decisions of judges by discretion rather than by rules.
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